Concrete is a construction material comprised of aggregate mixed with cement and water. These elements allow the concrete to be durable, energy-efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. Concrete is also versatile, making it great for constructing pavements, foundations, parking structures, architectural structures, and others.
But to ensure that its features can be attained, concrete surfaces should be protected with concrete sealers. Concrete sealers must be utilised since they protect the surfaces from ultraviolet rays and moisture. They can also deter grime, oil leaks, and other stains from infiltrating their surfaces.
Not all concrete sealer applications, however, can be successful. Here are some of the most common concrete sealer-related problems and some ways to resolve or prevent them.
Bubbled Surface
One common problem with the application of concrete sealer is the bubbling of the surface. Concrete surfaces are supposed to stay flat and smooth once they are applied with a concrete sealer. But if some bubbles have occurred, it only means that the installer has applied too much concrete sealer. The abundance of sealer on the concrete surface will only lead to the build-up of trapped gas. To resolve this, the installer should apply two thin coats of sealer instead of one heavy coat.
Another potential cause of bubbled surface is the sealer has been applied in hot weather. The sealer may skin over and dry on the concrete surface right before the evaporation of the solvent. The solvent will then form a bubble on the surface once pressure accumulates. To prevent this from happening, the installer should apply the concrete sealer during the coolest part of the day.
Surface Bleaching
Sealers can be solvent-based or water-based.
Solvent-based concrete sealers may turn white once they have been applied to a wet concrete surface. They can likewise turn white if they have been applied too thickly. The presence of too much moisture can cause solvent-based sealers to lose their adhesion to the concrete, turn them white, and peel off from the surface over time. Installers can prevent these problems by following the recommendations of the sealer manufacturers. They should also not be used for surfaces with old sealing coats.
Water-based concrete sealers may also turn white. However, they can also become powdery over time once they have been applied to a surface with too low temperature or too high humidity. Knowing the surface conditions first can help installers apply these concrete sealers successfully.
Stains in Concrete
One more problem with concrete sealers is the existence of stains. Sealers protect concrete surfaces from damage. Hence, they must withstand the damaging and visible effects of surrounding elements. If the sealer, however, has become stained due to prolonged exposure to outdoor debris, it might lack the needed resistance to chemicals or stains.
Acrylic polymers, which are utilised in creating concrete sealers, do not have excellent chemical or stain resistance. To prevent them from staining, installers must use an epoxy or urethane coating system.
If you need high-quality sealers for your concrete surfaces, you can call us at Auseal.