Most parts of a building or structure today are comprised of concrete. Concrete is a construction material that combines aggregate and fluid cement. With the right use of concrete, it can be utilised in constructing building foundations, roads, driveways, and many more.
What makes concrete great for the construction industry is it is durable. Concrete structures and elements can likewise resist foot traffic, force, and other similar things they may be exposed to. Concrete can even boast appealing looks once it is applied with the correct concrete sealer.
A concrete sealer can be applied to a concrete surface to protect it from corrosion, stains, and surface damage. It can likewise deter water, salt, and others from infiltrating the concrete surface. If applied correctly, this product can boost the value of the concrete structures. But if not, it will only generate concrete issues. Fortunately, they can still be resolved. Here are some of the most common concrete sealer issues and ways to resolve or prevent them.
Presence of Surface Bubbles
One common issue with sealing that you may encounter in your project is the existence of bubbles. Concrete sealer must only be applied thinly over a specific surface. Once this sealing product has been applied heavily, it will only lead to over-application, which then causes the newly sealed surface to produce some bubbles. Another cause of bubbles in the sealed surface is the application of the sealing product in hot weather.
To prevent this issue, you must ensure that the sealer will be applied based on its manufacturer’s recommendation. The concrete sealer should also be applied during the coolest part of the day. You should also avoid applying it to a surface that has direct sunlight.
Whitening and Flaking Off
A newly sealed surface that turned white or has flaked off may be caused by two reasons. The first possible reason is the application of a concrete sealer to a wet concrete surface. The bonding between the sealer and a wet concrete surface can be difficult since the latter is still wet. As time passes, it will only make the sealer float on a trapped film of water. The second reason is the over-application of the sealer. As coats of the sealer build-up, it will cause moisture to be trapped until the sealer flakes off.
Similar to the previous issue, these sealer issues can be prevented by following the recommendations of the sealer manufacturer, especially on its coverage rate, the number of required coats, and the proper way of prepping the surface before sealing.
Dark and Blotchy Concrete
Concrete surfaces can retain their natural colour when applied with a concrete sealer. But if your concrete sealer darkens the concrete and leaves a glossy finish, you may have to utilise a different type of sealer. One common reason why this specific issue happens is due to the use of chemical admixtures on the concrete. The porosity and surface finishing techniques present on the concrete surface can likewise cause a blotchy appeal.
This issue may not bother a lot of property owners. But if you are, you must maximise a penetrating water-repellent sealer instead of using other types of sealing products.
If you need high-quality concrete sealers for your concrete surfaces, you can call us at Auseal. Some products that you can order from us include Clear Powerseal, Colour Powerseal, and Hi-Gloss Seal.