Consider the Surface Temperature in Sealing Concrete Floors

While there are many factors that can influence how well a concrete sealer dries or cures, surface temperature is among the most important. If it is too hot, you have trouble applying it smoothly along with it drying too quickly. On the other hand, when the surface temperature is too low, the sealer dries too slow and can even freeze in severe cases. Read on to learn further details about how temperature affects concrete sealer.

How Low Temperatures Affect the Concrete Sealers

When the temperature drops below 10-degrees Celsius, there is a risk of the sealer not curing thoroughly. As a result, it fails to protect the concrete sufficiently to prevent damage. Efflorescence also can occur, which leaves a layer of white powder that is salt residue brought up from the underneath layers as the moisture evaporates. Also, when the temperature drops too cold, the sealer can freeze before it cures appropriately.

The Ways that High Temperatures Influence the Concrete Sealers

High temperatures of over 32.2-degrees Celsius accelerate the curing rate of concrete sealers. As a result, they do not have sufficient time to form their protective film effectively. Along with this issue, high temperatures make applying sealer with a roller one sticky mess and even can leave lint from the roller head on the surface. While spraying is possible at these temperatures, you still can have trouble with the sealer curing correctly.

Correct Range of Surface Temperatures for Applying Concrete Sealer

The ideal range of surface temperatures for the application of sealer on concrete is between 10-degrees Celsius and 32.2-degrees Celsius. Plan your sealing day carefully for this reason.

What Influences the Surface Temperature of Concrete?

Many things can influence the temperature of the concrete’s surface. In order to know exactly when to perform your sealer application, you need to learn what these things are, and that is why we share them with you below:

• Time of the year
• Time of day
• Whether the concrete is in direct sun or in a shady area
• Wind velocity
• Humidity level
• Air temperature
• Temperature of the concrete

Other Considerations for Sealer Application

Since each sealer does slightly vary as far as application requirements, it is crucial to read the instructions thoroughly. Also, be certain that you use the right sealer for the location of your concrete. Exterior concrete floors, driveways, patios and other elements require a sealer that is UV resistant.

For further details about why you should consider surface temperatures when sealing concrete floors, consult with our company, Auseal. Our entire business is about developing and manufacturing decorative finishes and unique coatings for concrete flooring.